Thursday, October 4, 2012

"One angel to answer so many prayers"

The papers/articles of incorporation came yesterday for Lucas and Laika, and I bought the domain name as well.  Now, to put together a website!

We visited Lucas's grave on his birthday, and Jenna brought him some flowers.  I was glad to have a few people there so that I wouldn't be alone with my thoughts, and I think everyone else felt the same way.  We had heard that Lucas's mother would be there all day, so we waited til almost dark so that we wouldn't disturb her...

We've gotten a couple of pieces of good news this week, but I can't share them just yet.  It's finally starting to feel like the tide is turning in the right direction.  As soon as I get permission, I'll post what we have.

I was talking to Lisa last night, who had been telling one of her best friends that she was having a hard time with Lucas's birthday.  Her friend said she felt like Lucas had been sent to us to help protect his brother (because we couldn't do anything), and to help all of the families that benefited from his donations at the hospital.  She said, "Think about all of those families and their prayers.  Think about how he has saved his brother.  I think your family had a moment with an angel he sent to protect Logan.  One angel to answer so many prayers."

Despite what I may believe or may not believe, I bawled my eyes out when she told me this.  And despite what you, the reader, believes or does not believe, I appreciate your thoughts and continued support.  This blog just surpassed the 3,000 page views mark, so more and more people are seeing Lucas's story.  Please continue to share and help us get justice for Lucas.

Thank you.



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